The Journal

Hydrolats en cosmétique : quels bienfaits pour votre peau ?

Hydrolats in cosmetics: what are the benefits for your skin?

Hydrosols, also called floral waters, are treasures of French natural cosmetics. Derived from the steam distillation of aromatic plants, they contain the most subtle active...

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Le phyto-retinol : quels avantages par rapport au rétinol classique ?

Phyto-retinol: what are the advantages compared to classic retinol?

Retinol has long been a staple in anti-aging skincare, known for its effects on wrinkles, firmness, and radiance. However, its drawbacks—irritation, photosensitivity, and incompatibility with...

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La vérité derrière l’acide hyaluronique

The Truth Behind Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular ingredients in cosmetics, known for its moisturizing and plumping properties. But what do we really know about...

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L’huile de pépins de pomme : un élixir naturel pour hydrater et revitaliser la peau

Apple Seed Oil: A Natural Elixir to Hydrate and Revitalize Skin

Apple seed oil, still unknown to many, is an ingredient with multiple benefits for the skin. Derived from the seeds of carefully cultivated apples, it...

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Polysaccharides en cosmétique : des actifs pour une peau hydratée et protégée

Polysaccharides in cosmetics: active ingredients for hydrated and protected skin

Polysaccharides, a class of complex compounds found in many natural resources, are attracting increasing interest in the field of cosmetics. Their ability to retain water,...

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